am i the only one?


WiiChat Member
Jan 16, 2007
Wii Online Code
does anyone else like r type, i love it. the reason is b/c i can remeber wasting all my allowence money to play the arcade version. freakin game is sooo hard. i remeber getting to the same place that im at now, and i still cant beat it. goes to show you, games back then are way more challenging than todays games
R-Type rocks! I'm a Gradius fan too though and in the end Gradius got my points this time, but I'm going to download R-Type and R-Type 3 this weekend probably.
R type is good
But im a Gradus nut (even parodus)
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i dont remeber playing r type 3, is it any good?
Snes (also on gba but avoid)
Was ment to be the best but I perfer Final

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