Agh!!someone please help!wii wont respond!

chain blade

I love my wii!!!
Jan 15, 2007
Virginia,Co.cavan Ireland
Wii Online Code
AGHHHHHHH!!!!! PLEASE someone help me!ok i swiched off me wii right?then i got a message,i tried to put it on,BUT it wont!i tried to buttons on the wii itself but nothing!!!!!PLEASE HELP ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!:sad: :sad: :sad:
ok ok first off, stop screaming, and start digging. im sorry but your wii is dead. theres nothing we can do.

Na jus kidding. unplug the wii from the main socket, and then replug it. try it agains now. If not then follo the instructions above.
How do you people live with yourselves! messing up your precious wiis.

-unplug, leave it alone for mabey 10 minutes, try again. -try calling nintendo customer support,(on they can help you even over the phone. :cornut:
Happened to me once, I had to plug it into a different socket... I kinda killed the socket somehow...
It happen to me and I called Nintendo. The guy told me that I needed to unplug from the power bar AND the Wii. I did it and power came back to my Wii (Thank god!)....
Unplugging the wii seems to do miracles. Once my wii wouldn't start up, unplugging fixed that.

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