Advance Wars: Dual Strike Review


WiiChat Member
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Dec 15, 2006
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I have to say, first off...this is the first DS game i got for my DS and is probably the best game thus far IMO.

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Where You Can Buy It:
I haven't seen a copy anywhere, you'd better be off buying it from Ebay or
some online store.


Advance Wars DS, a game to remember!

Gameplay, the fun part of it.
The gameplay for this game in my opinion is the best there is. The objective is to either capture the enemys HQ or just eliminate all of their troops. There are also 3 different types of, naval, and aircraft. Some have advantages and others have weaknesses. It's like how Pokemon is...Fire beats Leaf, Leaf Beats Water, etc. There are places around where you can capture buildings and claim them as your own. If you put one of your units here, they will heal overtime. Some buildings may give you a boost, like firepower or health. The battle scenes in my opinion are awesome, whenever you encounter an enemy they will have battles scenes at the bottom. Info can be found at the top of the screen usually, but also a couple of levels use the top screen of the levels you may actually play both screens which is cool...another option i'd like to point out is "create your land" option. This is a very very good add-on to Advance Wars, giving it a longer longevity.


Music, Awesome..
The opening theme for this game is...awesome..I can't say it enough the MUSIC is AWESOMEZZZZZ. Sound Effects are great and the music i can tell was picked out very carefully. In my opinion the sound and music are one of best on the DS.

Graphics? Good
Graphics in the game support a 2-D dimensional game, somewhat like the GBA graphics. The battle scenes have top-notch graphics and compared to other DS games it's superb. 2-D FTW!

Replay Value, Meh
This game is great and all, but to me it's not worth playing the story over again. There are 2 different modes (Difficulties) though which might keep you intact.

Multiplayer, It's Alright
I have only played the single card download version and you don't get the RTS feel of the game. What you get is shooter, you go around with tanks, infantry, aircrafts and just shot stuff. It's alright but it could be improved on.

This isn't the only Advance Wars Game!:
Advance Wars (GBA)
Advance Wars 2 (GBA)
Battalion Wars (GC)
Battalion Wars 2 (Wii) <--Coming Soon

Final Score:


If you have any comments feel free to PM me.
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That game looks reli crummy. I think Nintendo Ds are pretty crummy anyway.
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Hey...Advance Wars is an awesome series and the DS is the fastest selling system in HISTORY. If you don't like this game then don't post, I've gone through enough typing this all up...
Good work on all your reviews. This is an awesome game. One of my favourite all-time strategy games and in my top list of ds games.

The music is definitely awesome. The multiplayer is quite fun, but when youo get into tournaments and stuff, matches (even pre-deployed ones) can drag on too long and I kinda feel bored from that, especially since I get one day every 3 months of tournament, and there still is Tetris, Mario Kart and soon to be Pokemon. AWDS takes up too much time and needs lots of dedication. That's one of it's pros and cons, skill, but it drags on. Overall the game is real fun and you always have extra options, like custom maps and combat mode.
AW is an awesome game, a friend of mine has it and when i first played it, we would sit around during class and be playing it if we had nothing else to do, 9.3 sounds about right if you ask me
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bobdingley said:
AW is an awesome game, a friend of mine has it and when i first played it, we would sit around during class and be playing it if we had nothing else to do, 9.3 sounds about right if you ask me

Yep, it's one of the best DS games i've ever played, and it was my first game to :yesnod:.

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