"Achievement"-style Virtual Console games?


WiiChat Member
Oct 25, 2006
Tucson, AZ
All I know is that if Nintendo instituted an "Achievement"-type system in Virtual Console games (a la Microsoft Live's own system) with or without an online leaderboard, I might as well pull the cash out of my wallet and flush it down the toilet right now.

The mere notion of replaying old NES and SNES titles with new, additional goals is just.....well....I'm speechless.
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What are you on about, goofball?

I think Nintendo absolutely should institute an "achievement" system. I would spend all my money on it, and I know many others would as well. That was the whole point of this topic.

What part could be construed as me insulting Nintendo?

You win the prize for illiteracy (which, ironically, is a certificate).
professor_specs said:
I might as well pull the cash out of my wallet and flush it down the toilet right now.

I assumed this meant you didn't like the idea. My mistake.

I have no opinion on this topic, as I have no idea what this achievement system entails, as I don't have a 360, nor Xbox Live.

Carry on.
To be fair to Flip, you did just say that if Nintendo institute an "Achievement" system then you would NOT like it. Don't really know what you're getting at.
I... See... I think a lot of people are getting these games. I assume you're referring to my Signature. I need to add DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2 to it though, as I've fallen in like with that game right now.

Woops, off-topic.

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