Accidentally forced DVD to stay out while Wii trying to eat it...


WiiChat Member
Jun 28, 2007

Just as topic... the other day I accidentally holded the DVD disc out when the wii was trying to take it inside. It was making that (you know) "force" to insert it... and my fear is that it might hurt the drive by doing that?

I don't think so cause it'd be pretty common thing to happen, but in any case I worried...

Please enlight me

All i can say is be more careful unless you want to buy another wii.:yesnod:
Yeah, I don't think that could have caused any damage, but just to be on the safe side, I would suggest not doing it again. :)
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I thought the same, that it wouldn't be any problem... why? Because I think it's pretty common for someone that's holding the disc using a finger thru the hole to go for this problem.

In any case, the whole thing lasted 1 or 2 seconds at most...

Again, should I worry? Are the mechanism that suck the disc supposed to handle that (I mean... false spinning or something; it should be grinds that'd break if stucked!)


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