A Couple Quick Character Questions.

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Dec 8, 2007
Wii Online Code
1) Does anyone have any word on what Fox's Final Smash will be? (Rumors okay)

2)Have the Ice Climbers been confirmed?

3)What is Pit's back round? (What games and such, and if you played them, were they good?)

4) Will Charizard be able to fly (Pokemon Trainer)?

You guys are experts so I hope you guys can help, I don't think most have been confirmed but you guys are good at rumors.
1. He jumps into his tank. It can shoot and DO A BARREL ROLL!
2. Yes
3. He is the main protagonist of Kid Icarus, either NES or SNES, I forget
4. He can glide, which is a new technique in Brawl.

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balrogs.pa said:
1. Yes ther have been

2. Yes

3. Pit monsters and mazes i think

4. not sure

Why don't you stop being lazy and mabye go on the site?
Thank you King, and in to me the lazy thing to do would be spending time on my computer trying to answer simple questions that members of a forum know, why don't you just help me, like members of a forum are supposed to and not be arrogant and criticize me.
I did help you. Just it doesn't take that much of an effort to go to Characters section, which would hold all the information for those questions (except for the game one which is why i tried to answer that one)
Not everybody is extremely excited about Brawl, so he probably has never even been to the website.

Welcome to the Wiichat forums, Flynnn, And a Merry Christmas!!!
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