3rd Party Characters

Who do you wana see in Brawl

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Sonic the hedgehog, only because he is the most likely to be in Brawl. Since you all know that Nintendo and Sega are really good pals now right? Kind of ironic since only 6 years ago they were rivals! :lol:
Really I don't think any of would fit in though I can see why you would want them. Sonic is very Sega, Megaman is very Capcom (and is in the vs. series of capcom fighters), cloud has nothing to do with nintendo and goku has very little.
RhythmGen said:
Really I don't think any of would fit in though I can see why you would want them. Sonic is very Sega, Megaman is very Capcom (and is in the vs. series of capcom fighters), cloud has nothing to do with nintendo and goku has very little.
thats why they're third party characters. except goku. hes anime.
but snake is 3rd party but he is nintendo because he originated on a nintendo console whereas goku and sonic didn't, and although megaman did, he is featured in another fighting series already (vs.)
but sonic has appeared on the GC for a few games. he is probably one of the most wanted character ive seen on forums.
i know cloud has nothing to do with nintendo (other than the ffcc game comming out for wii) and will most definately NOT be in ssbb or they would have announced something that big, but i think it would be fun to smack some cutesy pokemon character with his too big to actualy hold, sword!
You haven't gave us enough choices as Sega and Capcom aren't the only third party developers who are close to Nintendo, there is Namco and Hudson too (especially Hudson). *Look below*

Pac-Man has already appeared in Mario Kart Arcade GP, so he seems likely.

Bomberman is their lead character, but Bonk was at one time their mascot - and has even been confirmed for the Virtual Console. Either seems possible.

I do hope that Snake isn't the only 3rd party charcater in the game, but I also hope that there is very few.

Here's a list of possible candidates for third part characters in this game:
  • Sonic (Sega)
  • Mega Man (Capcom)
  • Street fighter character (Capcom)
  • Bomber Man (Hudson)
  • Bonk (Hudson)
  • Pac Man (Namco)

Out of the above characters the two most likely to appear are Pac Man and Sonic. Sonic because he has been mentioned specifically by Sakurai San without any actual confirmations but as Sega have also gone on record saying they would like to see Sonic in Smash Bros., he's currently the most likely candidate. And Pac Man because he has already appeared in Mario Kart Arcade GP. But Mega Man, Bonk and Bomber Man are still possible, and so are other third party charcters.

P.S: I voted for Sonic.
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