I have the wii and have been kinda disappointed about the graphics only because of what I heard the 360 and PS3 are like. This weekend I got to play the 360 for the first time on a 55 inch HD TV. To tell you the truth I didn't find it that much better then the wii graphics. I mean they were definitly better but I was not really blown away like I thought I would be. I asked my friend if he was using the component cables and he said yes but it didn't really look all that high def to me. I later confirmed he was using the component cables because that is what comes with the 360 with the harddrive. BTW the games I played were Ghost Recon advanced war fighter, NHL 2007 and Project Gotham racing.
Now I dont feel like I am missing out much with the wii graphics.
Now I dont feel like I am missing out much with the wii graphics.