$299 PS3 slim vs $250 Wii


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
Sony confirmed that the brand new PS3 slim will be released in September 09 and will be priced at $299. That's only $50 more than the Wii and it includes HD graphics, way better online service, 120gig HDD, and a Blu ray player. Now that Sony also has shown trailers and demos of motion control games, Nintendo has got to do something asap. WiiHD? Wii price drop to $200?
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screw that. keep the wii for great games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Smash but then get a PS3 for everything else. thats what i did and i find it a great solution. the only thing i want now is a 360 strictly for Halo and L4D and i'll be set
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If you have the money, it's hard not to get the PS3 for $299. You can even buy many classic PS3 games now for $20 or used ones for $15. Even if you don't play games, the PS3 is the best BluRay player around. I do hope Nintendo does something soon cuz I'd like to buy a black Wii for my parents (who already owns a PS3) if a price drop takes effect. Actually i might get the black one and give them the white one. :smilewinkgrin:
If you have the money, it's hard not to get the PS3 for $299. You can even buy many classic PS3 games now for $20 or used ones for $15. Even if you don't play games, the PS3 is the best BluRay player around. I do hope Nintendo does something soon cuz I'd like to buy a black Wii for my parents (who already owns a PS3) if a price drop takes effect. Actually i might get the black one and give them the white one. :smilewinkgrin:

The PS3 had a huge advantage over others with the blue ray capabilities, but they did nothing with it and dropped the ball.

It's sad when I read posts like this and every thinks of blue ray as movie viewings only.
Only demand is relevant to pricing.

The Dreamcast was $100 cheaper than the PS2 at the DC's launch and was half the price at the launch of the PS2. The Xbox was the same price as the PS2 at launch and the PS2 outsold its competitors.
screw that. keep the wii for great games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Smash but then get a PS3 for everything else. thats what i did and i find it a great solution. the only thing i want now is a 360 strictly for Halo and L4D and i'll be set

restricting your self to those 2 games is only doing bad for yourself
Firstly halo 3 was bad (IMO)

LEft 4 dead is FANTASTIC one of my top 10 games EVER

but still theres plenty of more exclusive and amazing Xbox 360 games that you should branch out and try

lost odyssey
blue dragon
Gears of war 2 (i didnt like 1)

IMO nintendo have been very ignorant.
refusing to lower prices, and doing nothing really NEW (please motion plus thats great but not NEW new is it)
there letting the other better consoles prices fall all around them while refusing to go HD or get hardrives, or eve a simple DVD playback.

the 2 things Wii had going for it was Affordable, and Motion controls

well Xbox and PS3 have picked up motion controls.
and xbox arcade is cheaper than wii, with other versions not much over it.
and PS3 is a lbit more with a lot more in it.
It's doesn't matter, the same was happen when Microsoft launched the xbox360 arcade at lower price than the Wii and to date you didn't ever see any change in the customers prefferences, The Wii rules the market. The same will happen with the 80gb ps3 and slim at $299, again it's doesn't matter. I would buy a ps3 for the Bluray feature, but later I purchase an upscaler DVD player, and frankly I don't see a big difference between the upscaler DVD player and the Blu-ray player.
I'm better playing with my Wii, waiting when Nintendo launches the Netfix service to see great movies on my HDTV using my Wii.
I might get me a ps3 slim also plus Metroid Trilogy
If more than anything else, I believe Nintendo will go down the DS route.

Drop the Wii a couple of bucks and release an upgraded Wii for the same price as ones in store now, flushing away the previous price drop.
It's doesn't matter, the same was happen when Microsoft launched the xbox360 arcade at lower price than the Wii and to date you didn't ever see any change in the customers prefferences, The Wii rules the market. The same will happen with the 80gb ps3 and slim at $299, again it's doesn't matter. I would buy a ps3 for the Bluray feature, but later I purchase an upscaler DVD player, and frankly I don't see a big difference between the upscaler DVD player and the Blu-ray player.
I'm better playing with my Wii, waiting when Nintendo launches the Netfix service to see great movies on my HDTV using my Wii.

Of course I'd expect you to post here of all places. Also, I'll never get over how hilarious the console name is in that bolded sentence.
Shadow*91 said:
screw that. keep the wii for great games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Smash but then get a PS3 for everything else. thats what i did and i find it a great solution.

Me too. This is the solution.

It's doesn't matter, the same was happen when Microsoft launched the xbox360 arcade at lower price than the Wii and to date you didn't ever see any change in the customers prefferences, The Wii rules the market. The same will happen with the 80gb ps3 and slim at $299, again it's doesn't matter. I would buy a ps3 for the Bluray feature, but later I purchase an upscaler DVD player, and frankly I don't see a big difference between the upscaler DVD player and the Blu-ray player.
I'm better playing with my Wii, waiting when Nintendo launches the Netfix service to see great movies on my HDTV using my Wii.

You obviously haven't watched a Blu-Ray movie on a HDTV via HDMI at 1080p.
The PS3 had a huge advantage over others with the blue ray capabilities, but they did nothing with it and dropped the ball.

It's sad when I read posts like this and every thinks of blue ray as movie viewings only.

PS3 games are on blu-ray discs too. What else were you hoping they would do with blu-ray?

I'm better playing with my Wii, waiting when Nintendo launches the Netfix service to see great movies on my HDTV using my Wii.

Keep waiting. Microsoft recently announced that the Netflix deal on game consoles was exclusive to the 360. I'm sure there's probably some sort of time limit for the exclusivity, but it could be awhile...
Lol, Nintendo will obviously not make a Wii HD. I doubt they even feel threatened to be honest. When it comes to comparing the PS3 Slim to the Wii, it's no competition, lol. I was going to buy a Wii, but once I heard news of a PS3 slim, I changed my mind quickly.
restricting your self to those 2 games is only doing bad for yourself
Firstly halo 3 was bad (IMO)

LEft 4 dead is FANTASTIC one of my top 10 games EVER

but still theres plenty of more exclusive and amazing Xbox 360 games that you should branch out and try

lost odyssey
blue dragon
Gears of war 2 (i didnt like 1)
a friend of mine has a 360 so when i go to his place i play his. i've played the other games you listed and didn't like them(absolutely hated Gears 2, i'm one of the few that likes 1 more. though the both still suck). the only 360 exclusives i liked are the Halo series and L4D. i know some say Halo sucks but thats thier opinion. in my opinion Halo is a great game. also i said Halo series, if i could i'd get Wars as well.

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