2007 game lineup


Novocain Stain'd
Jul 2, 2006
Wii Online Code
Just updated from the IGN website, these are the titles that are coming out this year on Nintendo's Wii.

* Dairantou Smash Brothers X (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
* Disaster: Day of Crisis
* Donkey Kong Taru Jet Race (DK Bongo Blast)
* Doubutsu no Mori [Animal Crossing]
* Forever Blue
* Hoshi no Kirby (Kirby Adventure)
* Mario Party 8
* Mario Strikers Charged
* Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
* Project H.A.M.M.E.R.
* Super Mario Galaxy
* Totsugeki Famicom Wars (Battalion Wars II)
* Wii Health Pack
* Wii Music

Hell of a line up, be prepared for non-stop action! We see Brawl, Animal Crossing, Forever Blue, Kirby, Strikers, Corruption, PJ H.A.M.M.E.R., Galaxy, Battalion Wars! What an amazing lineup!

Hello 2007!

Source: >credible IGN source<
What's Wii health pack and Wii Music?

Edit: I wiki them and Wii Health Pack sounds like a stupid idea. And Wii Music = Wii Orchestra.
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This is just from Nintendo... Then again so are most good games

All of them seem good so far, tough choices.
Hell, SSBB and MP3 is good enough for me! I am very interested in playing the new IPs, especially Project HAMMER, which looks like a good old smash-em-up game!
yeah good thing that we have to wait 5 months to get the first few pretty good games, then wait a year (maybe more) to play awesome games. thats my only disappointment with the wii, theres really no instant action. cept for zelda. but that doesnt last till the next good games come out.
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Joe said:
Theres a lot more coming this year...,A LOT MORE
Right, these are merely the Nintendo confirmed games.

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