2 Players on Mario Galaxy?


The Wookie
Jul 5, 2007
Austin, Tx
Wii Online Code
I went to IGN this morning and was looking around the Wii section when i saw that they had posted the official commercial for Super Mario Galaxy.


This should bring you to a page with a bunch of videos on it. Click on the one saying "Super Mario Galaxy Commercial (November 4, 2007)"

twords the end of the video, they show what i assume to be a mother and a son playing together, which struck me as odd, and then they showed a clip of gameplay, and you can clearly see two cursors labled "P1" and "P2" on them. I'll admit, i haven't really been reading too deep into SMG, but i've read enough to know a good deal about the game. so why haven't i heard ANYTHING about a second player option?

On IGN it says it's 1-2 players. How is multiplayer being carried out here?
well theres been various remarks and reviews from people who have played through it , also previews and nowhere have i seen 2player mentioned so ........uuuhhh dunno
Yes their is two players, but it's not what you'd call true "two" players. Here's a quote from an E3 2007 Preview by IGN.

Bozon said:
Even the two-player mode, which is still basic and a little buggy at this point, was a neat addition to the demo. Nintendo hinted about this one for a while, but we saw it in effect today. With just an extra Wii-mote a second player can jump into the action and take control of an additional IR pointer. The IR can be used to hold enemies down, destroy some obstacles (such as annoying rolling boulders), freeze Mario at any time, collect the mini star gems, or fire those same gems to stun enemies. The system isn't perfect, as we had player two accidentally freeze Mario multiple times in the process of aiming for an enemy or messing around in the world, but it's still pretty fun. We even got into screwing the other player over for the fun of it with the Wii-mote, freezing Mario until player one threw a hiss fit. It still seems like there could be more though, as you still can't grab coins or other items and drag them to Mario, or give the plumber a friendly grab-n-toss every now and then. It's a neat addition, but it's still kind of gimmicky too, and is more of an entertaining distraction from the main game as opposed to actual two-player co-operative play.
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That seems kinda pointless to have. Hopefully it will serve more of a purpose in the full game than the demo. When it comes out here in the US, i'll be sure to investigate it more to see if it's actually any good.
ehhhhh i got a problem, the kid hold both the nun chuck and the remote, but the mom is only hold the wiimote, i dont think its gunna b as good as u wud hope it 2 be... but just w8 till this tuesday when i get it ^^
i post some comments bout it ;]
Moose said:
I went to IGN this morning and was looking around the Wii section when i saw that they had posted the official commercial for Super Mario Galaxy.


This should bring you to a page with a bunch of videos on it. Click on the one saying "Super Mario Galaxy Commercial (November 4, 2007)"

twords the end of the video, they show what i assume to be a mother and a son playing together, which struck me as odd, and then they showed a clip of gameplay, and you can clearly see two cursors labled "P1" and "P2" on them. I'll admit, i haven't really been reading too deep into SMG, but i've read enough to know a good deal about the game. so why haven't i heard ANYTHING about a second player option?

On IGN it says it's 1-2 players. How is multiplayer being carried out here?

At a guess, I'd assume theirs some multiplayer minigames.
actually this is not a bad idea... im sure each of you have had a younger sibbling want to play and you wont let them blah blah well now they can at least "help" or feel like they are helping **** i know ill let my son play this just so he lets me play in peace lol
this is an amazing idea that nintendo came up with... they make it so you can help an inexperienced player by being the 2nd player and holding enemies and grabbing coins for them... or... you can let the inexperienced player be the 2nd player and just grab coins and mess with the enemies while they get used to the game. Very nice way to introduce the game to another player but not force them right into the game :)
That's cool it has 2nd player in this Mario game. I only one that plays the Wii all by my self sometimes my friends do come over play it not all the time since I work allot.

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