if u want 500 wii points, this will do it, enter the shopping channel, click on connection ambassador, then someone who was helped,enter my code 5878 2208 3545 8973,then e-mail me your registration code which can be found by entering message board , create message, address book its on the first...
500 FREE Wii Points - Nintendo Ambassador Promotion
Hey guys, how's it going?
There's an official Nintendo promotion going on which I discovered not long ago that gives Wii owners a chance to gain 500 Wii points to spend on games and such. It's not a scam, and you can google it to confirm if...
Nintendo are currently running a promotion until 22nd January 2010 and it is only available to NEWBIE Wii Shopping Channel users (i.e. your shopping channel account MUST have only been activated 30 days prior to you registering for this promotion)
So, if you haven't used the Wii Shop Channel...