mw3 wii clan

  1. Z

    Killing Noobs Daily [KND] COD MW3 clan

    If you would like to join the clan, message me on this website, message to, or just reply to this thread. Please check out our group on facebook, and check out facebook page...
  2. JpexCM

    MW3 Clan CheckMate

    Hey I'm Jpex The Creator Of [CM] I Started This Clan Because I Couldn't Find A Clan I Liked That Accepted All Styles Of Play. They Seem To Forget That People Use The Style That Works For Them. They Get All Mad Because This Guy Was Sniping. Or That Guy Was Camping And Then Say It's Unfair. So I...
  3. C

    New Elite Clan

    New clan, [G.o.W.] , gods of war. Its meant for the player that is not obssesed but that is skilled at playing the game. Only one requirement, no glitching!! (recommended for the higher levels)