
  1. N

    Animal crossing friend code

    Hi everyone here is my animal crossing city folk friend code 2365 7673 3611 and my town is Fresno Nickname is Philly.
  2. aro19

    Animal Crossing City Folk And Super Smash Bros Brawl Friend Codes Wanted

    Please Give Me your Animal Crossing City Folk And Super Smash Bros Brawl Friend Codes Because I have two ssbb Codes and Zero Animal Crossing! Oh and you may need these... Animal Crossing City Folk Friend Code: 1420-8503-8807 Name: Nathan Town: Windflo (Please note that Nathan is not my real...
  3. superhuman

    Looking to buy the Modern Set in Animal Crossing Wii

    Hi, I am looking for a AC:CF friend who is willing to sell me the entire modern set. I'm willing to pay 50k bells for it all, but may be willing to pay abit more for it as well (just don't be a jerk and try to over price please) if you are interested my info is below, so please let me know. :)...