call of duty mw3

  1. Z

    Killing Noobs Daily [KND] COD MW3 clan

    If you would like to join the clan, message me on this website, message to, or just reply to this thread. Please check out our group on facebook, and check out facebook page...
  2. S

    1 vs 1: 1 vs 2: 1 vs Who you'd like to have

    Hello, I would like to have a 1 vs 1: 1 vs 2 or a 1 vs Who you'd like to have If you'd like to play, just leave your ally code in the comments or replies. , if you'd
  3. alphahawk

    Looking for buddy's!!!!

    I'm not new to these games, but my old wii died and i bought a new one so i have low levels. But im not a newbie, pretty okayish. Just looking for new clans to join or friends to add. I play a lot soo yeah lolol I also have mario kart wii, but i dont know my code exactly just yet. I have a wii...