So I have one of the first wii from the US having waited all night at Target. It's never been modded in any way and now it boots only to a garbled "system files are corrupted" screen. Garbled as in the text is degraded and missing pieces. The harddrive flashes once, the power button is green...
I was running my copy of sonic riders zg off of USB loader gx when all of the sudden this one level (gigan rocks) would keep freezing at the loading screen. I repeated trying to load the level about 15 times, and at that point I formatted my flash drive and put the game back on. After THAT...
last year, i mes with the ios files and i fried my blue tooth module today i got a used one for a replacement it's didn't work what is wrong with it?
is the motherboard the wifi or the blue tooth please help!
Ok, so i have a modded wii my bro fixed me up with. Everything went smoothly at first, saved plenty of games to the harddrive, it didnt freeze too often, and games worked like a charm! That is, until i downloaded a game, Resident Evil Archieves. My bro. didnt do a very good job explaining how...